About us

This website is an independent project run by people who want to show their support for the PVV. Its related items, such as the “Make Nederland Great Again” shirt, are also independent. We have no connection whatsoever to the official PVV party, its leaders, or its members. The goods and information on this website are merely personal statements and opinions of the producers, and they are only meant to be used as a means of individual political expression. Our goal is to establish a constructive environment where those who share our values can express their support for the PVV. Our mission is to give people a courteous and peaceful platform on which to express their political activity. Please be aware that the items on this website are just meant to serve as symbols and are not formally associated with the PVV political party. As the site’s administrators, we stress the value of courteous communication and promote open, yet courteous, dialogue. We recognise and value the differences in viewpoints, and we hope that this forum will foster a constructive dialogue.